


尊敬的 Brant:

您好,感谢您联系 iTunes Store 支持团队,我是 Jolene,很高兴协助您。

我相信您其实是在无意购买 “TabToolkit” 的情况下产生了误操作。


在五到七个工作日内,一笔数额为 68.00 CNY 的款项将记入该次购买行为的收据上显示的信用卡中。

不过还请您留意,由于 App Store 条款和条件的规定,所有项目一旦售出,本应无法退换,本次退款实属一次例外情况,请恕下次未必能够同样保证,敬请见谅。

最后,我特地为您找到了以下的文章,并十分建议您抽空了解一下,相信将有助于您获得更好的 iTunes Store 购物经历:

App Store 在您点击购买时,一般是会显示一条警告信息,询问您是否确定要购买某一项目。不过,此警告可被开启或关闭。如果您想确保此警告处于开启状态,请按照以下文章中的说明还原 App Store 中的警告:

还原 App Store 警告 http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1734?viewlocale=zh_CN

还原 iPod 和 iPhone 警告 http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2527?viewlocale=zh_CN


iOS:了解访问限制 http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4213?viewlocale=zh_CN




iTunes Store / Mac App Store 客户支持



Dear Qingchi,

I’m sorry to learn that theses apps did not meet the standard of quality you have come to expect from the iTunes Store. I can appreciate that when it comes to your money that you be treated fairly. My name is Michael and I would be more than happy to help you out with this today.

I have submitted these items for investigation. Apple takes the quality of the items offered on the iTunes Store seriously and will investigate the issues with these items, but I can’t say when or if the issue will be resolved.

I have reversed the charge for “WeDict Pro”, and “Dictionary Universal”. You will see a store credit of $12.97 in five to seven business days. You may need to sign out of the iTunes Store and then sign back in before you see the credit in your account.

Please let me know if you require any further assistance with this issue, as if you do, I would be glad to help. Thank you very much for being part of the iTunes Store family, Qingchi. I hope you have a great day.


iTunes Store/Mac App Store Customer Support

Please note my hours for this week are:
Monday – Thursday, Saturday 12:30 PM – 9:00 PM (EDT)

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you




1 告知用户你是谁。这样对方能感觉到,自己是在和一个活人沟通,无形中建立起了信任的沟通语境。这也为工作人员在后面的邮件中传达自己的声音和用语个性提供了铺垫。这样的做法模拟的是诸如星巴克里客户与咖啡师的面对面沟通,是真正的 “为你服务” 。

2 在邮件开头就明确地给出解决方案。

3 提供相关的帮助信息,让用户以后能自助解决问题。

4 用语分寸的拿捏和客服人员的个性化表达,比如 “十分建议您抽空了解一下”、“相信将有助于您”、 “我相信您其实” 、“我特意为您”。

5 注重细节。尤其是关于自己品牌的部分,中文邮件里的 iTunes Store / Mac App Store / iPod / iPhone ,没有一个的大小写是随便写的,并且英文单词前后还都有空格。另外,每表达完一条意思,就空一行,层次清晰,便于阅读。

我之所以对这封客服邮件这样重视,是因为 “互联网的用户体验,实际上渗透在产品的设计、开发、运营、服务的整个过程中,一个互联网公司中的每个员工,都应该成为改善用户体验的直接责任人。”



  1. 最近看了篇文章叫做《消极礼貌》,谈及了与文章同名的书,关于现代社会的秩序是如何在此类商业邮件的互相往来中建立的。http://www.douban.com/note/223310192/

  2. Customer service department, hello! I would like to ask why you goole play store can not get in and login! It could be a temporary problem, but i waited a long time! No change! Please help me,thank you for your help.

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